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Consequences of sucking your thumb

For most children, sucking their thumb is a natural reflex that gives them security and comfort. But, this seemingly harmless act can actually damage the development of your child’s teeth.

If your child is sucking his or her thumb, especially after permanent teeth come in, there could be problems for the proper growth of their mouth and the alignment of their teeth. Thumb sucking can also cause changes in the roof of the mouth.

Children usually stop sucking their thumb between the ages of two and four years old. If you see that your child continues to suck their thumb after this age, or after their permanent teeth come in, you should come into my office with your child for a consultation.

Also, children often suck their thumbs when they feel the need for security and comfort. Try focusing on what could be causing your child’s anxiety and provide comfort for them so that they might stop on their own.

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