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Why Visit the Dentist Twice a Year?

People like to believe that they can accomplish most tasks or jobs on their own. It becomes hard for most individuals to ask for help when they need it, even with something seemingly as simple as dental care. Everyone can brush their teeth, so why should you go to the dentist when at-home-care works just as well?

The answer to this question is that at-home-care does in fact not work as well. Even if you take great care of your teeth you should be going to your dentist at least twice a year. Most dental problems aren’t visible to the untrained eye, and your dentist is able to check for issues that you may not even see or feel at the time. Regular visits allow for your dentist to check for diseases such as cavities, gum disease or even oral cancer.

Also, in times of stress or sickness you may need to see your dentist even more often than twice a year. People that are at a high-risk for dental issues such as those who are pregnant, smoke, have diabetes and those who have a weak immune system should also be seeing their dentist more often than the average individual.

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